Home Education vs. Traditional Education


There has always been discussion about which teaching approach is better for kids: regular classroom instruction or home schooling. Many parents in India are still learning about homes schooling, which occasionally causes confusion and wild theories. Among these conjectures is the debate over home schooling vs. public education.

Home school versus traditional schools

Home schooling and traditional schooling have been the subject of much discussion in the past. While many parents appear to think that a formal education is the more conventional way to study and, thus, is a better choice for their children, they frequently oppose the fact that a home schooling curriculum comprises the same subjects as those taught in any regular school, just in a different way.

What is home education?

Home schooling is, to put it simply, teaching your children at home. With more and more parents choosing to educate their children rather than enrolling them in public schools, home schooling has developed into quite a progressive trend in recent years. Here are some of the many reasons a parent can decide to home school their child:

·       The family may adhere to different religious principles than those promoted (or not promoted) in the local public school. With home schooling, you can decide whether to include religion or not.

·       Children with specific needs may receive more specialised instruction through home schooling, and parents may have different educational beliefs than public school officials and teachers. You get to pick the philosophies you want to teach your children at home.

·       Schooling at home may foster a stronger familiar relationship - many parents feel that they like spending more time with their children when they are home schooled.

·       Children may advance more quickly in a home school environment than in a public school.

·       The local public school options might not provide the desired level of educational excellence.

·       Since you don't have to drive your kids to and from school every day, home schooling can save you time. Children's school days can actually be shortened.

Let us go deeper into understanding the varied pro and cons of each educational system.

Benefits of Regular Schools

Traditional Learning: The public schools use a traditional method of teaching that closely engages both students and teachers. The children learn in a classroom with their peers and have a teacher there at all times to provide supervision as required.

Social Interaction: Students from many backgrounds converge at schools to further their education. Since they are always among their classmates, there is an increase in kid interaction. They have the courage to approach strangers outside of school thanks to this.

Constant Guidance: In public schools, teachers constantly supervise their students. Due to the face-to-face nature of the teaching and learning process, both teachers and students benefit.


Disadvantages of Regular schools :

·       Social Distancing Problems: Public schools are constantly bustling with a huge number of pupils and staff. It is challenging to adhere to the social distance rules required in the current pandemic situation because of this substantial presence. Additionally, it is dangerous for children to be commuting to school right now due to the growing number of Covid affected individuals.

·       Reliance on Teachers: In public schools, teachers are always watching over the children. As a result, they could become reliant on their lecturers for notes and textual analysis. As they don't even go to the trouble of composing their responses because they have a teacher do it for them, this can kill children's creativity.

·       Fixed Schedule: When it comes to teaching their kids, public schools stick to a set schedule. The pupils must study certain fixed subjects at certain fixed times. As a result, students frequently miss one or more classes because they arrive at school late for various reasons.


The benefits of Home Schooling include:

·       Schedule and Curriculum: Home schooled pupils have relatively flexible schedules. The curriculum that will be used can also be modified based on the child's preferences. A child can select any curriculum, including the home school curriculum for kindergarten, the hom eschool curriculum for preschool, etc.

·       Knowledge and Focus: Home schooling appears to increase student knowledge when the teacher's attention is diverted entirely to the student in their absence. This allows the kids to learn instead of just memorising material, allowing them to confidently ask questions and receive answers.

·       Safe Environment: This is one of the main benefits of home schooling. A youngster who is home schooled learns in the comfort of his or her own home. Parents don't have to worry about getting their kids to and from school alone or about carrying them. They continue to be confident that their child is learning in a secure atmosphere at home.

The Disadvantage of Home Schooling are ;

·       Social isolation, which puts children at risk for frustration development that happens quickly. Many kids may experience dissatisfaction and depression as a result of not having a school life or classmates. Children might avoid engaging with those who are in such a state.

·       Pressure on Parents: Home schooling mandates that parents serve as their children's primary educators. As a result, parents must be there with their kids at all times. In order to arrange the following learning session, they also need to be informed about their child's regular progress.

·       Full-time Educator: When choosing to home school, one parent must determine whether to leave their employment because the child will now need their undivided attention. They must assume the duty of serving as the child's full-time educator. Therefore, choosing to home school your children becomes a little more challenging if both parents are employed.


Additionally, a student's performance does not just depend on the modality of learning they choose. Instead, it depends on how committed they are to learning and how hard they work.

Make the best decision for your child. In the long term, home schooling trumps the benefits of a standard schooling system as long as your children have access to the necessary learning and varied educational experiences.

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